
Posted by Blog Friday, January 21, 2011 0 comments

I'm currently in the process of creating a new path for my life. I'm sitting down and planning out
the next few months, and Id like to bring forth a new philosophy for how I should conduct myself every single day.

The excitement and energy within me is almost tangible. I feel like I'm about to embark on
a really fantastic adventure and today is the first day that I start mapping out my voyage. I can't predict the future but can only imagine the amazing things I will experience.

As much as I'd like to live this fantastic life right away, I know that it's not realistic. However
the changes that I will make now will eventually lead to that dream life I have thought about
since I was a small child. I'm looking at it as a very slow process, but the end goal
will be what drives me forward.

If I'm going to make all these things happen, I'll have to spend a few days perfecting a:

Philosophy For Living

and a

Life Design

Both are going to be absolutely crucial and will help give me direction, especially during
times when I'm feeling less than enthusiastic.

- I've recently started a blog on leather swivel chair information - check it out!

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Posted by Blog 0 comments

My life now is a pale comparison to how I envisioned it when I was younger. I imagined myself
in a state of bliss, loving life and enjoying everything that the world has to offer. I pictured a content
person committed to bettering herself, inside and out.

Instead, I look in the mirror and see someone overweight, unhealthy and lacking any drive or
motivation. This is my life, but it won't be for very long.

From this point forward, I am making a promise to myself that things are going to change. I'm
tired of living with fear and regret, but most of all, I'm tried of being unhappy with myself.

I know what a great life I can lead if only I can recognize the power I have to enact change
and start making a difference.

I intend to achieve excellence in every important aspect of my life - this means my body,
my mind and my soul. I look at the body as a temple, something that should be cherished
and taken care of.

My goals are:

Become a vegan.
Start eating healthy, natural and organic foods - this means no packaged or processed foods.
Start adopting a more sustainable lifestyle.
To live as simply as possible.
To enjoy life as much as possible.

My inspiration?

Lori Painter
Steve Pavlina
The Raw Model

All three have started a blog about their journeys and all three are vegans. I have never felt more
empowered then when I am reading their blogs. I only wish that they had an endless supply of
information, because I could read their sites all day long. Each have made a commitment to
better their lives.

I know I can achieve this, and ultimately I will. At this point, I have no choice but to make a
drastic change soon.

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Why do I want to become a vegetarian?

Posted by Blog Sunday, January 24, 2010 0 comments

When I was first introduced to Steve Pavlina’s blog, I was taken aback by his radical ideas and what I interpreted as strange and unusual viewpoints. I soon learned however that even though Steve’s ideas were different from the norm, they were in no way how I had perceived them initially.

Every decision and change he made in his life was carefully thought out, and in most cases, they were actually intensely logical and insightful. The more I read, the more I yearned to improve myself and I started to notice a complete shift in my own thinking. I no longer viewed society as a perfect exemplification of how one should live.

Steve’s ideas had successfully altered my own capacity to judge right from wrong, and I recognized that many of the behaviors and habits I had known all my life were not necessarily ideal.

For most of my childhood and adolesense, I had never questioned the idea of eating meat. Animal products are so widely available in our culture, and it is so incredibly normal to consume, burgers, ribs, wings and so on, I frankly never thought anything of it.

The odd time I would be biting in to a hot a dog and a brief sensation of nausea would go through me as I the thought about what I might be consuming; but it never occurred to me that eating that hot dog might be immoral. Please be aware that I am not trying to convert anyone to vegetarianism.

I recognize that we all have our own ideals and values and I don’t assume that mine apply to everyone just because I believe them. I spent the majority of my life eating meat, so I can’t possibly justify passing judgement on anyone else for it. If Steve has taught me anything, it is to accept and appreciate the view points of others, even if it is different than our own.

My decision to become vegetarian was derived from an inherent desire to become more aligned with good. I want my life to be a constant journey of self discovery, and I never want to look in the mirror and realize that I am no different than the person I was a year ago.

I believe that the only way to obtain happiness is by constantly redefining who we are. Happiness is an evolving concept, and if we make a promise to ourselves to never stop learning and growing, we must constantly work to never fall behind our goal of sustaining our contentment with life.

Becoming vegetarian is just one of the many goals and changes I wish to make in my life. I feel like I am just beginning on my path of personal development, and probably won’t be fully satisfied with the person I am for years to come.

Until then, I am excited for the challenges and exciting turns that lie ahead. I can only imagine what I will see, what I will learn and who I will eventually become..

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First Entry

Posted by Blog Tuesday, January 19, 2010 0 comments

I was inspired to write a blog about a year ago. I had been a long time reader of Steve Pavlina’s personal development site, and was and still am fascinated with the success he’s had, both financially and personally. Over the years I watched steve evolve and transform in to this extroardinary person, and I can’t help but feel that his blog was the catalyst for all the change he’s experienced. I realized that the blogging medium is an amazing way to create accountability for yourself.

Steve is fortunate enough to have millions of readers, and although I tend to be very ambitious, I’m also intimately familiar with the reality of the blogosphere. My goal for this blog is very simple, but I really believe that doing it will have a profound effect on my life. Most of all I’d like to motivate and awaken in others a sense of passion about themselves and their lives. I look around me everyday and am saddened to see a world where very few people value personal development. It’s as though each person reaches a plateau of self achievement, and then simply stop making any sort of effort to improve. More frightening than anything is the realization that I am one of those people.

This site will be a place for me to document my journey of self discovery. Steve has motivated me to want to change in every single way; and because of him I am no longer content accepting the reality of my situation and realize that within each of us is someone truly beautiful.

My goals for this month are:


  1. Change my eating habits - Become vegan. - Cook as opposed to going out. - Consume Natural and unprocessed foods. - Focus more on nutrition.
  2. Exercise - Continue walking instead of taking the bus. Work out at the gym regularily.
  3. Reach a healthy weight - (lose 10 pounds).


1.Constantly expose myself to new ideas and new ways of living.

2.Challenge myself on a regular basis by making lifestyle changes.

3.Create goals for myself to force myself out of my comfort zone.

4.Self education - to go beyond simply learning in the traditional classroom environment.

5.To look at life as an adventure - create fun, new and exciting experiences for myself.


  1. To force myself to meet new people.
  2. To work more on maintaining a stronger bond with the people I currently have in my life.
  3. To get over my social anxiety!

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